About PharmRx

At PharmRx, we believe medication safety is key to an efficient and effective health care system. Much of our health budget is being absorbed by the cost of avoidable medication errors – money that could be better spent investing in improving patient care.

Our focus is to improve medication safety in homes and health care facilities across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia. PharmRx offers a portfolio of global products to ensure safe and accurate medication administration and dispensing across both the institutional and community care sectors.

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Our products & brands

Pivotell pill dispensers

So often, a person will require medication that falls outside of any blister style medication packaging solution. These medications are more commonly supplied by pharmacy in a pill container (usually cylindrical and orange in colour) or box from the original pharmaceutical supplier (a packet of 24 panadeine tablets for example). This can occur when a GP adds medications to his/her prescription which may be required outside of the regular 28 day prescription so commonly managed via a blister pack solution in the aged care and home care environments here in Australia. This is a regular occurrence and many people across the region will be required to not only remember the time, dosage size, medication type but also the regularity to which these medication are required.

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Medipense pill dispensers

A large portion in-Home care and Aged care facilities across the region have adopted the Webster or Blister type packaging as a means of scheduling the administration of daily medications either supervised or self-administered.

Medipense has developed technology that goes one step further and ensures that the blister pack is securely held and administers the medications to the user based on his/her medication prescription. With a growing percentage of the elderly staying at home longer, forgetting to take medications whether they be in a multi-dose or unit dose blister occurs regularly.

Read more about Medipense pill dispensers

The WhiteCellRx™ elements

The WhiteCellRx system maintains a physical and electronic linking of a patient with a secure medication cell and a corresponding dock address, at all times, from admission to the health care facility through to discharge. Furthermore, it ensures medication stays with the right patient, even if they move from one department to another. The core function of WCRx is to control access to medication in patient-specific MedCells secured in a Nucleus dock and to provide data collection and audit reporting on who accessed the medication and when.

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The Shine range of products are designed to assist those with dexterity challenges to more easily handle and dispense medication.

Read more about Schine products


The Bluetooth enabled Medikyu Smart Pill Bottle monitors when medication is accessed and alerts the user and carers when it is time for the next dose, when a dose is missed or when medication has been accessed at an unscheduled time.

Read more about Medikyu products


Karie is an automatic medication dispenser that organizes, schedules and delivers medication with the touch of a button.

Read more about Karie


Mymemo is an easy-to-use personalized pill dispenser. Users program the device through a mobile app and medications are scheduled and dispensed as required.

Read more about MyMemo


CircuPack is a new system that improves speed, accuracy and service when building blister packs for customized medication regimens. Color-coded by day and separated by dosing time, this innovative solution helps patients adhere to complex medication regimens. Most significantly, the cost of a CircuPack system enables pharmacies to deliver this high level of individualized service at a fraction the cost of other semi-automated systems.

Read more about CircuPack™

REX Mobile Workstations

The clean, simple and smart design of the REX Mobile Workstation was specifically engineered for the mobile work style of medical personnel.

Read more about REX Mobile Workstations